Publications and Guidelines

Since 2004, the Publications Committee has been charged with developing and publishing various publications, including the SMFM Consult Series and the SMFM Clinical Guidelines series published in the American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology up until 2024. As of 2025, publications will be available in The Pregnancy Journal. The Publications Committee collaborates with other Societies and Colleges to develop joint publications and statements, as appropriate. The Committee plans topics, selects authors, and reviews each completed paper before it is submitted for an internal SMFM review process and then for publication.  All Committee members have filed conflict of interest statements with SMFM. Any conflicts have been resolved through a process approved by the Executive Board. To facilitate transparency in SMFM's guideline development process, a brief overview of the key stages in development is providedhere. Graphics outlining the process for developing new and revisingexisting consults are linked here. Feedback for SMFM Publications is welcome at

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