Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine Special Statement: Who’s who in patient safety and quality for maternal healthcare in the United States

SMFM, CA Combs, C Davidson, CD Einerson, AB Hameed, L Toner, Patient Safety and Quality Committee2020

SMFM, CA Combs, C Davidson, CD Einerson, AB Hameed, L Toner, Patient Safety and Quality Committee — 2020

There are many organizations in the United States concerned with the improvement of patient safety and healthcare quality. In this overview, we provide a synopsis of the major entities whose work is relevant to maternal healthcare. For each organization, we summarize its mission, vision, major programs, and relationships with other entities. We include 13 entities with broad scope covering all types of healthcare; 9 organizations whose focus is maternal–child health; 6 women’s health professional organizations with committees on patient safety, quality, or both; 12 organizations that offer accreditation, certification, or special distinction based on quality; and 5 organizations that rate, rank, or report quality metrics.
SMFM Statement