Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine Position Statement: Diversity and Inclusion in Leadership


SMFM — 2017

The Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine (SMFM) strongly supports diversity and inclusion within physician leadership as both an ethical imperative and a mechanism to improve the health of women. Convincing evidence demonstrates that in any field, diversity and inclusion in the workforce and leadership strengthens, improves, and enables greater realization of institutional goals.1  Alternatively, the lack of a diverse and culturally competent healthcare workforce can be detrimental to the patient population that Maternal Fetal Medicine (MFM) physicians serve. SMFM is especially concerned with health outcomes for racial and ethnic minorities and low-income women. Therefore, SMFM is committed to building a diverse and inclusive physician workforce and leadership cadre. SMFM’s mission, vision, and strategic direction recognize that success is dependent upon reflecting the diversity of the communities that MFMs serve. SMFM will ensure that our advocacy efforts adopt and pursue such goals. Further, the Society will work to raise awareness among our membership of the importance of diversity and inclusion within the medical profession.

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SMFM Statement