Care Levels for Fetal Therapy Centers
AA Baschat, SB Blackwell, D Chatterjee, JJ Cummings, SP Emery, S Hirose, LM Hollier, A Johnson, SJ Kilpatrick, FI Luks, MK Menard, LB McCullough, JS Moldenhauer, AJ Moon-Grady, GB Mychaliska, M Narvey, ME Norton, MD Rollins, ED Skarsgard, KJ Tsao, BB Warner, A Wilpers, G Ryan2022
AA Baschat, SB Blackwell, D Chatterjee, JJ Cummings, SP Emery, S Hirose, LM Hollier, A Johnson, SJ Kilpatrick, FI Luks, MK Menard, LB McCullough, JS Moldenhauer, AJ Moon-Grady, GB Mychaliska, M Narvey, ME Norton, MD Rollins, ED Skarsgard, KJ Tsao, BB Warner, A Wilpers, G Ryan — 2022
The purpose of this document is to propose levels of care for fetal therapy centers based on the anticipated complexity of an intervention for both pregnant individuals and their neonates. Our recommendations will also consider the obstetric, neonatal, pediatric (medical and surgical) and ethical care resources that should be in place to support such fetal interventions. Our guiding principle is to provide maternal safety and autonomy, while also addressing the anticipated care needs of the fetus and neonate.
The purpose of this document is to propose levels of care for fetal therapy centers based on the anticipated complexity of an intervention for both pregnant individuals and their neonates. Our recommendations will also consider the obstetric, neonatal, pediatric (medical and surgical) and ethical care resources that should be in place to support such fetal interventions. Our guiding principle is to provide maternal safety and autonomy, while also addressing the anticipated care needs of the fetus and neonate.